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时间:2024-07-08 作者:大红薯


“如果你想估算一下你的价值,数一数你的朋友吧。--Merry Browne。”经过综合分析大红薯编辑整理出了伤感英文名言相关内容的一份报告,衷心感谢您的欢乐和陪伴。每当经历某些事情,心情都会有不一样的变化,长期处于伤感,我们的生活也会停滞不前。"总是需要一些带着伤感的句子才能让心灵找到自己真实的位置"。


1、A happy man or woman is a better thing to find than a five-pound note.

2、Why I must be a tiny part of others' life though I am such a nice person? 我大好的一个人,凭什么跑到别人的生命里去当插曲。〔亦舒

3、How I wish to know how to quit you. 爱上你就好像是习惯了抽某种烟,我多想知道怎么戒掉你。

4、@always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else. 始终做一流的自身,不做二流的他人

5、those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time, because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sad and painful. i miss you ,and miss you so much..常常想起曾和你在一起的那些日子.开心、快乐、幸福、失落、伤心、痛苦的 所有日子.很想你,很想你..


7、Being alone means you just have no one beside you but loneliness means that you can not talk with others and forget how it feels when you love someone. 孤单只表示身边没有别人,但寂寞是一种你无法将感受跟别人沟通或分享的心理状态。而真正的寂寞应该是连自己都忘了喜欢一个人的感觉。

8、唯美英文your forever friend lifts you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. 你真正的朋友会让你振作起来,原本黯淡、空虚的世界顿时变得明亮和充实

9、i'll think of you every step of the way.

10、Good company on the road is the shortest cut.

11、如果你想估算一下你的价值,数一数你的朋友吧。--Merry Browne

12、Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence.

13、Suspicion is the poison of friendship.

14、Just because someone doesn“t love you the way you want them to, doesn“t mean they don“t love you with all they have.

15、Don“t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.

16、Friendship is like money, easier made than kept.


17、je crois que quelque part dans le monde, quelquun mattend. 我坚信当今世界某一角落里,总有人在等着我

18、Love, friendship, respect, do not unite people as much as a common hatred for something.

19、`your life only lasts for a few decades, so be sure that you dont leave any regrets. laugh or cry as you like, and it‘s meaningless to oppress yourself.人生短短几十年,不必为自己留有了哪些缺憾,想笑就笑,难受想哭就哭,该爱的情况下就去爱,不必要压抑感自身。

20、When you are afraid of losing something ,it means that you have no choice but to abandon it or give up yourself. 当你害怕失去一样东西时,这意味着,你只能要么放弃这样东西,要么放弃你自己。


22、Love is the active concern for the life and the growth of that which we love.

23、Real love stories never have endings.

24、every day without you is like a book without pages.

25、Don“t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn“t willing to waste their time on you.

26、Cut,it won't sever;Be ruled,it will never. What sorrow it is to part! It's an unspeakable taste in the heart. 剪不断 理还乱 是离愁别是一般滋味在心头

27、I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.

28、The course of true love never did run smooth.

29、sometimes, it's not what you say that matters, it's what you don't. 有时候,我在乎的不是你所说的,而是那些你没有说的。

30、The past is gone and static. nothing we can do will change it. the futureis before us and dynamic. everything we do will affect it.

31、When one memorized and looked back to what he had experienced,he would’t regret for the precious years he wasted,and he would’t either be shamed for living in idleness and achieving nothing.





1、It isn’t what you have in your pocket that makes you thankful, but what you have in your heart.

2、Gratitude is not only the memory but the homage of the heart rendered to God for his goodness. Nathaniel P. Willis 感恩不仅是记忆,而且是内心对上帝恩德的敬意。


4、Gratitude is appreciation for people, places, and things, 感恩是一种欣赏,一种对人,对景、对物的欣赏;

5、“one of life's gifts is that each of us, no matter how tired and downtrodden, finds reasons for thankfulness.”—j. robert moskin

6、“Thankfulneis the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulnemay consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts.” — Henri Frederic Amiel



9、“blessed are those who give without remembering. and blessed are those who take without forgetting.”—bernard meltzer

10、Our favorite attitude should be gratitude. 我们最应该具有的态度是感激的态度。

11、“what if you gave someone a gift, and they neglected to thank you for it – would you be likely to give them another? life is the same way. in order to attract more of the blessings that life has to offer, you must truly appreciate what you already have.”—ralph marston


13、"Gratitude is the memory of the heart." - French Proverb感恩就是心灵的记忆。

14、The most beautiful scene occurs when we miss the mother when. -- Maupassant人世间最美丽的情景是出现在当我们怀念到母亲的时候。——莫泊桑

15、That a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.微笑是最廉价的改善自己面孔的方法。





19、Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of flo that the highest appreciation is not to utter to say “thanks”.

20、pletion of thankfulness. thankfulness may consist merely of floage of the heart rendered to God for his goodness.Nathaniel p.e heavenly blessings!-Henry .Marcel proust (1871-1922); Novelist

21、If you concentrate on finding whatever is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul.” — rabbi harold kushner如果在每一件事情上你能够集中注意力寻找好的,那麽你会突然发现你的生活充满欣慰感激——一种培养心灵的感觉。

22、Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. if you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough. — oprah winfrey如你对自己所拥有的感恩,你将会得到更多。但如果你专注于自己所没有的东西,那你永远都不会满足。

23、Bees sip honey from flowers and hum their thanks when they leave the. The gaudy butterfly is sure that the flowers should thank him.--Tagore蜜蜂从花中啜蜜,离开时营营的道谢。浮夸的蝴蝶却相信花是应该向他道谢的。

24、The sheep have to kneel grace milk, a is nurturing the meaning of.羊有跪乳之恩,鸦有反哺之义。

25、“Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindnereceived. Thankfulneis the natural impulse to exprethat feeling. Thanksgiving is the following of that impulse.” — Henry Van Dyke


27、who statement inch grass heart, reported in the apartments谁言寸草心,报得三春晖!

28、as well as, for ideas, qualities, and feelings 也是对想法,对品质,以及对感受的欣赏

29、“a thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all other virtues.”—cicero


31、Bees sip honey from flowers and hum their thanks when they leave the. The gaudy butterfly is sure that the flowers should thank him. -- Tagore蜜蜂从花中啜蜜,离开时营营的道谢。浮夸的蝴蝶却相信花是应该向他道谢的。

32、“Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.” — Brian Tracy

33、A key to inspire strangers, my friends, and me 这把钥匙鼓舞着我、我的朋友,以及素昧平生的人

34、Written by Macatena Lovemore 我们并不是在感恩节到来之时才懂得去关怀、爱护身边的人,只是岁月容易让人变得钝拙……感谢我爱的人和爱我的人,使我的生命不再孤单;感谢生活,让我在分秒变幻的季节里感受生命的美好。


If opportunity doesn39;t come,have created it。~~关于这个还有哪些句子可以分享?大红薯现在向你推荐英文名言名句励志57句,欢迎阅读,希望你能够喜欢并分享!


1、People even fear death,what is terrible?

2、man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won’t make you cry.没人需要你落泪,非常值得使你那么做的人不容易使你抽泣。

3、A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate.最强者能共命运的飓风斗争.

4、understand urself in rder t better understanding thers.

5、the greater ones love for a person, the less room for flattery. the proof of true love is to be unsparing in criticism. (moliere) 爱一个人爱到更深就越低吹捧他,不遗余力的批判才可以认证确实情感。

6、To err is human, to forgive, divine.-- Pope


8、If a man interested in,everything can be。


10、Tall trees catch much wind.树大招风。


12、if you always do what youve always done, youll always get what youve always got. (ed foreman) 如果你的行为一直一成不变,你获得的结论也一直一成不变。

13、Bravery never goes out of fashion.英勇始终但是时.

14、enrich ur life tda,. esterda is histr.trrw is ster.

15、Dare and the world always yields.If it beats you sometimes, dare it again and again and it will succumb.--

16、A man is not old as long as he is seeking something.A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.(J.Barrymore)

17、——Henry David Thoreau(美国作家梭罗)

18、Money is the root of all evil.金钱是万恶之源。

19、love is a canvas furnished by nature and embroidered by imagination.(voltaire) 真正的爱情当然给予的一张画板,想象在上面绣出五彩斑斓。


20、don’t part with your illusions. when they are gone you may still exist,but you have ceased to live.不要放弃你的幻想。当幻想没有了以后,你还可以生存,但是你虽生犹死。

21、Ride with the wind,you should pull the tent。

22、Finished labors are pleasant。

23、the people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want,and if they cannot find them .they make them.(george bernard shaw , british dramatist)在这个世界上,取得成功的人是那些努力寻找他们想要机会的'人,如果找不到机会,他们就去创造机会。

24、Idle people (folks) have the most labour (take the mostpains)。

25、There is but one secret to sucess---never give up! Never, never, never, never give up!


27、u're uinique, nthing can replace u.

28、Do not be led by reports, or tradition, or hearsay.

29、a careless word may kindle strife;a cruel word may wreck a life;a timely word may level stress;a loving word may heal and bless. 无心快语很有可能引起争吵,绝情之词很有可能损失性命,适度温语很有可能切除工作压力,而关怀之音很有可能痊愈内心。

30、Don’t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.别着急,最好是的总是会在最不经意间的过程中发生。

31、to do whatever needs to be done to preserve this last and greatest bastion of freedom.为了保住这最后的、最伟大的自由堡垒,我们必须尽我们所能。

32、read, stud and learn abut everthing iprant in ur life.

33、For the persevering,no failure。

34、The greatest of faults is to be conscious of none.-- Thomas Carlyle


36、The book is the nourishment of the world。

37、——C. M. Schwab(美国实业家施瓦布)

38、A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love.极其微弱的一线希望就足以点燃爱的火花。


39、He that will not work shall not eat。

40、To be attached to one thing (to a certain view) and to look down upon other thing (views) as inferior--this wise men call a fetter.

41、——Friedrich Schiller(德国剧作家诗人席勒)

42、——John Burroughs(美国博物学家巴勒斯)

43、Misfortunes tell us pany on the road is the shortest cut.

44、Let him be cordial in his ways and refined in conduct ; thereby full of joy he will make an end of ill.待人热诚,举止文雅,只要每天充满着喜悦,苦恼就会消失得无影?。

45、每个人都有不确定性的动能,仅仅非常容易:被习惯性所遮盖,被時间所飘忽不定,被可塑性所消遣。 everyone has his inherent abilities eg. power or capacity which can easily be concealed by habits, blurred by time, and eroded by laziness.

46、To love is to be vulnerable.去爱一个人就是把自己变得特别脆弱。

47、sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is but also the world as it will be. (isaac asimov) 假如只考虑到世界如今的模样,而不考虑到世界未来如何,便从此做出不来明智的决策。

48、Learn to creep before you leap.先学爬,再学跳.(由浅入深)

49、believe in urself.

50、xcellerate ur effrts.


52、we should do something when people say it is ‘crazy’. if people say something is ‘good’, it means someone else is already doing it. (hajime mitari ) 大家理应做些大家称作“玩命”的事儿。假如啥事大家说“好”,那么就代表着他人早已在干了。

53、Let one’s thoughts of boundless love pervade the whole world--above, below and across--without any hatred, without any enmity.

54、The secret of wealth lieth in the letters SAVE。

55、Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.( A.Einstein )

56、dn't give up and dn't give in.

57、If opportunity doesn39;t come,have created it。


“∞ 、有 ﹄ 種 默契 叫 (吢照不宣)〆。”下面是由大红薯小编为您整理的“简短唯美的英文名言”话题。我们都会在阅读名家作品的时候摘抄优美的句子,优美的句子是词语的宝藏永远能让人陶醉。让人阅读感到很舒服。"希望这些句子能给您带来一些有用的建议"!


1、We must not lie downand cryGod help us

2、       向乞丐乞讨,永远不会发财。 Beg from beggars and you39;ll never be rich.

3、Follo that into your life.

4、       身教胜于言教。 Example is better than precept.

5、It is not forgotten, but it must be alienated.

6、Actually I wanted to say on that day,Shall we never get apart,OK?

7、关于爱情的哲理 英语句子唯美:迷样的黑幕,困惑的群星,望远镜中,照耀我内心的光明。

8、Dark clouds becomes heavenapos;s floting the scar is still in pain舍不得丢掉残留的温度,却忘了伤疤还在痛

9、 No matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow. 不管发生什么,不管今天看起来多么糟糕,生活都会继续,明天会更好。

10、Aleone doesnt mean never think of him, but thinking of him promise, I the past steal your present.别让过去悄悄偷走了你的当下。

11、       伟大与渺小相得益彰。 Greatness and littleness go together.

12、Sometimes, tears, does not represent the vulnerability, but is really hurt.

13、In doing we learn.(实践长才干。)经典爱情语句.

14、Live well, just do not live up to their own lives.

15、       例外可以反证法律。 The exception proves the rule.

16、.Easy to hurt others and themselves always on the edge容易伤害别人和自己的,总是对距离的边缘模糊不清的人。

17、 Ability is not high enough to understand, character is not good enough to make do with.能力不高可以理解,人品不好无法将就。

18、If we are children of the time,you can stay there,sit together,listen to those who never old stories side HaoShou slowly。


19、       最会饶舌的人也是最会撒谎的人。 The greatest talker is also the greatest liar.

20、∞ 、有 ﹄ 種 默契 叫 (吢照不宣)〆

21、You got a dream… You gotta protect it. People can’t do somethin’ themselves, they wanna tell you you can’t do it. If you want somethin’, go get it. Period. 有梦想,就要扞卫它。人们和你说不可能,只是因为他们自己办不到。想追求什么,就去努力吧,就这样。

22、       见机行事。称热打铁。 Play it by ear. Weigh the hot iron.

23、 I truly respect the people who stay strong even when they have every right to break down. 我真的尊重那些即使完全有理由崩溃却依然坚强的人。

24、There is no such a number, you will never play, will never be deleted.


26、What will matter is not what you got but what you g*e What will matter is not how many people you knew but how many will feel a lasting loss when you are gone ~~~重要的不是你得到了什么,而是你给予了什么。重要的不是你认识多少人,而是在你离开后,多少人会认为是个永远的损失。

27、       三思而行,再思可也。 Think twice before you act.

28、       一不做,二不休。 In for a penny,in for a pound.

29、Byron: I am never away from you.Even now,I shall not leave you.In another land,I shall be still that one who loves you,loves you beyond measure beyond measure.



32、       明珠莫投暗。 Cast not your pearls before swine.

33、Even if that person is not to walk with their life, but he is a lover!

34、Without you, my life don't know how to describe.

35、       丸药不苦不加糖衣。 The pill is not bitter without sugar coating.

36、When you love a person, you will realize tattoos he is in your heart, deep in your heart forever.


37、Promises are often like the butterfly,which disappear after beautiful hover.凋谢是真实的盛开只是一种过去

38、       疏忽招贼。 Neglect is the thief39;s thief.

39、我从来不自欺欺人。我只看真实。I never told you. I only see the truth.

40、       孩子耳朵长。 Little children have long ears.

41、当一个人不爱的时候,他可以爱上周围的任何人。when someone loves none,he will fall in love with anyone around him.

42、原来一切只是我以为。But I think everything turned out.

43、56 她们都说失去以后才懂得珍惜,其实珍惜后的失去最痛。"They say after losing only treasure,in fact,after losing most painful treasure. "

44、Need not be anyone understood,more donrsquo;t like anyone to explain themselves.不需要被任何人理解,也不想向任何人解释自己。

45、When love is carrying more hope, it will disillusion faster.

46、Loyal to love is not equal to lost in love, not to say that to live is to love more.

47、很多我们想要的东西都是价格不菲的。但是,真正能让我们感到满足的东西,比如爱、欢笑还有工作中的激情,却都是不需要花钱的'。 Many of the things we desire are expensive.But the truth is,the things that really satisfy us are totally free –love,laughter and working on our passions.


49、Honestly, if you are not willing to sound stupid, you don't deserve to be in love.

50、Don’t waste your time on a man/woman,who isn’t willing to waste their time on you.不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。经典语句.

51、 It isn't what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it. 让你快乐或不快乐的,不是你拥有什么、你是谁、你在哪里或你在做什么,而是你对此怎么想。

52、Gentle to have, but not compromise, I want to be in quiet, not stron.

53、If successful, it is readily available to lose; if not, will want to occupy.



1、Fear not that the life shall come to an end,but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning.--J.H.Newman不要害怕你的生活将要结束,应该担心你的生活永远不会真正开始。--纽曼

2、Veterans die,only will disappear。

3、“society is a masked ball, where every one hides his real character, and reveals it by hiding.” (ralph waldo emerson) 社会发展便是一个化装舞会,每个人都掩藏着他俩的真正个性化,并以这类方法呈现在旁人眼前。

4、Man errs as long as he strives.过失是奋发进取的成本.

5、Misfortunes tell us pany on the road is the shortest cut.

6、Dare and the world always yields.If it beats you sometimes, dare it again and again and it will succumb.--

7、you have to believe in yourself. that39;s the secret of success. -- charles chaplin

8、the greater ones love for a person, the less room for flattery. the proof of true love is to be unsparing in criticism. (moliere) 爱一个人爱到更深就越低吹捧他,不遗余力的批判才可以认证确实情感。

9、The health of her husband,the wife of happiness。

10、Man is a political animal。

11、Behind every successful man there’s a lot of unsuccessful years.每一个成功人士的后边都是有许多失败的岁月.

12、The secret of wealth lieth in the letters SAVE。

13、enrich ur life tda,. esterda is histr.trrw is ster.

14、u're uinique, nthing can replace u.

15、Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.( A.Einstein )

16、Make hay while the sun shines.趁热打铁。

17、All desires have in them little pleasant taste but rather much potential suffering.

18、Let one’s thoughts of boundless love pervade the whole world--above, below and across--without any hatred, without any enmity.

19、but i see your true colors shining through, and thats why i love you, so dont be afraid to let them show, your true colors , true colors are beautiful, like a rainbow! 但我觉得見你光亮的真实色彩, 那就是我爱着你的缘故, 不要害怕显现出来, 你那真正的色彩多么的漂亮, 如同七色彩虹一样。

20、The shortest answer is doing.最简洁明了的回应便是行为。

21、power invariably means both responsibility and danger.实力永远意味着责任和危险。

22、Let him be cordial in his ways and refined in conduct ; thereby full of joy he will make an end of ill.待人热诚,举止文雅,只要每天充满着喜悦,苦恼就会消失得无影?。


24、Hope the only prescription is suffering。

25、For the persevering,no failure。

26、The cause of suffering is selfish desire, whether it is the desire for pleasure, desire for revenge, or simply desire for a long life.

27、——C. M. Schwab(美国实业家施瓦布)

28、victory won39;t come to me unless i go to it. -- m.moore

29、A people which is able to say everything becomes able to do everything.敢说的人,就做不到.

30、Nobody can casually succeed,it comes from the thoroughself-control and the will.所有人的成功都不是偶然的

31、The world is like a mirror: Frown at it and it frowns at you; smile, and it smiles too.全球宛如一面镜子:朝它皱眉头它就朝你皱眉,朝它笑容它也朝你微笑.


33、if youre not failing every now and again, its a sign youre not doing anything very innovative. (woody allen) 如果你并不是常常碰到挫败,这说明你做的事儿沒有较大的创新能力。

34、to do whatever needs to be done to preserve this last and greatest bastion of freedom.为了保住这最后的、最伟大的自由堡垒,我们必须尽我们所能。

35、Tall trees catch much wind.树大招风。

36、The less people thought,the more you talk。


38、If a man interested in,everything can be。

39、Theres only one corner of the universe you can be sure of improving,and thats your own self

40、The book is the nourishment of the world。

41、——John Burroughs(美国博物学家巴勒斯)

42、The beauty of a woman is a knife,a smile is a sword。

43、Victory belongs to the most persevering.坚持不懈终将取得成功.

44、live well, lve lts, and laugh ften.


46、只有强者懂得奋斗;弱者甚至失败都不合格,但他们天生就被征服。-- 斯威特切尼

47、sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is but also the world as it will be. (isaac asimov) 假如只考虑到世界如今的模样,而不考虑到世界未来如何,便从此做出不来明智的决策。

48、No root,no fruit。

49、People even fear death,what is terrible?


51、Time is my property,my field is time。


53、If you want knowledge, you must toil for it.若要求知识,须从勤苦得。. but has the last word been said is all hope to be lost is the defeat final no!难道败局已定,胜利已经无望?不,不能这样说!


55、Desire causes suffering because it can never be completely gratified.

56、He that will not work shall not eat。



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