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时间:2024-07-10 作者:大红薯




1、You dont announce my identity. Youre giving someone a chance.

2、我的爱与你同在。I miss you so much already and I haven't even left yet!

3、I hate constraints, than who are afraid of being alone, and looking forward to the sunrise, so always silently through the night.

4、I think you still love him, never down. How no matter how I tried to, but his heart.

5、you always with me even though you far away.

6、The missing distance, always show the elusive. 思念旳距离,总是显旳那么遥不可及。


8、The memories of our past are bittersweet, for they remind me of the love I once had and lost.

9、I lost myself in trying to find you.

10、Across the plain boiled water, all things into the pure white.

11、The saddest thing about love is that it never guarantees happiness.

12、Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times - Albus Dumbledore——即使在最黑暗的日子里,也能寻到幸福。


14、Obtain a copy of any form will have to repay that day。

15、Already lost enough, don't want to lose even you think your qualifications all have no.

16、Some people just dont realize how much their words can hurt someone。

17、the so-called freedom is the reason to be alive.if u easily give up life,then u can never find freedom.当一个人谁都不爱的时候,他就可以爱上身边任何一个人.


18、My anguish. You don't understand. I am happy. You can't even understand.

19、Just because we are not perfect, we need each other。

20、Nevermind,I will find someone like you.没关系,我会找到某个像你的他. 哭要一个人躲着哭,笑呢全世界陪你笑。

21、C。 Brief is life, but love is long。

22、Can stir up your tears, is your inner most want to stay.

23、爱所祈求的唯一礼物就是爱。The heart that once truly loves never forgets.

24、We are afraid to lose, but never learn to cherish.

25、When everything is in the past, I can looked back it, but can't, pick it up.

26、Put down the you that should be put down and quit the drama that has no ending.

27、Because Venus does not have a pair of arms and Cupid loves covering his eyes, people who are in love always cannot grab and see each other. 因为维纳斯没有双臂,丘比特喜欢蒙着眼睛,所以恋爱中的人常常抓不住对方,看不清自己。

28、For those things i dont talk about,it does not mean i dont know。

29、4) Memories of you are all that’s left. 你留下的记忆是我唯一拥有的东西。

30、Wine is cool but hot, and heart is cold and warm.

31、2) Sometimes the pain is too much to bear. 有时候痛苦难以承受。


33、I thought I tried to, but why take only memories.

34、Each night, tears stain my pillow, as I yearn for a love never to be returned.


35、Rely on a feeling like a person. 靠一种感觉喜欢一个人。

36、Loneliness is a love, I with that man wrong shoulder again and again.

37、拥有时不知珍惜,回首时爱已成灰。Love is grey when you have it.


39、"Time heals all wounds, but it can never replace what was lost" - 时间可以治愈一切伤痛,但它永远无法填补失去的东西

40、Can own carry dont make a statement, affectation appearance is really not good-looking.


42、Good get together, good scattered, after, or friends.

43、I hope you understand what I翻译: 我希望你能懂我。

44、When people treat you like nothing, you begin to feel like nothing。

45、Blessedness is of comparative degree,you will feel it with more ease when there is something under you幸福是个比较级,要有东西垫底才容易感觉到。

46、You cant buy love。 But you pay heavily for it。

47、Sometimes, tears is sign of unspoken happiness. And smile is sign of silent pain. 眼泪,有时候是一种无法言说的幸福。微笑,有时候是一种没有说出口的伤痛。

48、Happiness is to find someone who can give you warm and share your life

49、My heart is shattered into a million pieces, and the fragments pierce my soul.

50、5) You were the missing piece to my puzzle. 你是我拼图中失落的那一块。



“Can't his uncle be more sad?.”我们时常会觉得心情多种变化,伤感让我们处于低迷的状态。将痛苦写下来能够让自己得到释放。欢迎来阅读我们为您整理的《伤感英语推荐短句》,非常感谢您对这个领域的长期兴趣和探索!


2、Between us are only separated by one step, and I can not move you.我们之间仅隔一步,而我却不能迈向你。

3、Flowers bloom, flowers come and fall.

4、You are the reason why I became stronger.But still,you are my weakness.因为你,我懂得了成长,可你,依旧是我的伤。

5、True love will understand, what is the exchange solemn vows and pledges never separated、


7、成长,就是将你哭声调成静音的过程。Growth is the process of turning your cry into a mute.

8、He refused to take the initiative; she preferred to miss it.

9、即使重新来过,我还是会选择遇见你。Even if I do it again, I will choose to meet you.

10、有些时候,想离开,却不敢错过。In some cases, to leave, but did not dare miss.

11、If the heart has no place to perch on, where is the wandering!


13、Eyes linger in the crowd, suddenly thoughts、


15、Some of the time, is to love quietly escape. Escape the figure, hide not open is a silent feelings. 有些的时候,正是为了爱才悄悄躲开.躲开的是身影,躲不开的却是那份默默的情怀。

16、If you come back, if I'm still there, if you come back, I wish I was still there、

17、从此浪荡**把真心藏好。From a free hide my heart good.


19、I used to like a person Now like a person以前喜欢一个人 现在喜欢一个人

20、Initially did not know, and ultimately do not recognize、

21、你不爱我我不爱你,如你所愿皆大欢喜。You do not love me, I do not love you, as you wish, everyone is happy.

22、Love is like ink, blue and white.

23、Don't let the wrong people take the best of you. 别再让不合适的人 带走了最好的你。

24、鱼那么爱水,水却要煮鱼[]。Fish love water, but water to cook fish.


26、I love you with half a lifetime, and forget the rest of you.、我用半生来爱你,再用剩下的来忘你。

27、I can't keep you. I'll walk you.

28、时光的洪流中,我们总会长大。We will grow up in the flood of time.

29、Confused eyes, blurred vision, debauched youth, lost years.迷茫了双眼,模糊了视线,放荡了青春,失去了年华。


31、When you want to cry, look up at the sky, where there is a smile、

32、When you care, wait till I close my heart.


34、My sky is grey, my heart is blue!



37、Some wounds will never heal.


39、The dream is dead, the heart has been broken, leaving only to prepare for departure、

40、Can't his uncle be more sad?.

41、Alone on the road, only shadows accompany me.

42、Lost is no longer reluctantly, no longer entangled.

43、最唯美的笑容,却成为最悲伤的面具。The most beautiful smile has become the most sad mask.

44、Find a the misery of love. I know my past hope.怎么赶不走失恋的苦恼。我知道我无可救药。

45、Some words with the wind, some people dream.

46、Standing in place, waiting for you to achieve, your promise、

47、Back to the past, can not return to the original.

48、Dont ever let your enemies see you fall, all they want is to see you mess up, dont give them the pleasure. Be strong, prove them wrong.


I never loved you any more than I do, right this second. And I’ll never loveyou any less t~~还有哪些类似的句子在网上广为流传?下面的内容是栏目小编为大家整理的伤感文案短句扎心英语分享26句,更多相关内容请继续关注本网站。

1、When young, if you love, don't say forever, say cherish.

2、Listen to the lonely singing, interpretation of a persons sadness.

3、In fact, love is only a false proposition, it is oneself that magnifies the pain.

4、With you at the beginning of the purpose is to go on, and now the spring breeze, where are you?

5、I still can't let you go, let alone forget you.

6、With a back injury, slowly away from your sight, because I am very small very small.

7、Don't blame others for letting you down. You can only blame yourself for expecting too much.


9、Your recent situation has nothing to do with me, but I am slow to go in retrospect.

10、How many people, giggle in the daytime, are as strong as stones on the surface, and cry secretly at night?


12、Don't need you to say too much, from love you to keep chastity for you.

13、If loneliness can be sold by Jin, I think I am already a multimillionaire.

14、Love is not the most tormented parting, but moving memories, it is easy to stand in place, think can go back.

15、I'm afraid I'm more and more serious, but you don't have the original enthusiasm.




19、Do not want you to see me now, this pair of unbearable appearance.

20、Let time flow, time change, no complaint, no pain, no sorrow, no surrender, quiet life.

21、If you have two hearts with each other, why do you make me pay for love and loyalty wrongly? Dont you think Im out of my wits and youre in love?


23、Some things, not a knot, but a scar.

24、Listening to the sound of clock swing in the night can disturb my breath.

25、Rose funeral, I will spend my life to complete!

26、I never loved you any more than I do, right this second. And I’ll never loveyou any less than I do, right this second.


If one day we are not together, also want to be like together、~~喜欢这方面的文案吗?为满足你的需求,大红薯的编辑特地编辑了“伤感英语推荐短句(大全62条)”,欢迎阅读,希望你能够喜欢并分享!





4、Some words with the wind, some people dream.

5、Thank you for being unsympathetic, which makes me give up finally.多谢你的绝情,让我学会死心。

6、With a tearful love lake, with love a happy circle、

7、You are my freeze, I'm your traveler.

8、Next year, we sacrifice love cannot withstand a single blow、

9、The previous five hundred times, before the return pass this life、

10、Once lovers, now passers-by.

11、I used to like a person Now like a person以前喜欢一个人 现在喜欢一个人


13、Standing in place, waiting for you to achieve, your promise、

14、从此浪荡**把真心藏好。From a free hide my heart good.

15、哪有人喜欢孤独,只是不想失望罢了。No one likes to be lonely, but he doesn't want to be disappointed.

16、If the heart has no place to perch on, where is the wandering!

17、You forgot to remember, I forgot to forget.


19、My sky is grey, my heart is blue!


21、LoVe is a dashed line,we in different paraph 爱情是一条虚线,我们在不同的段落


22、It is because of heart bottom touch that embrty, so he just so painful.就是因为触碰到心底的那一点空,所以才会那么痛。

23、Wipe away the tears on the face, but do not take away the feeling of pain in the heart、

24、Confused eyes, blurred vision, debauched youth, lost years.迷茫了双眼,模糊了视线,放荡了青春,失去了年华。

25、So, we can only see the eyes, and then a simple life、

26、If you come back, if I'm still there, if you come back, I wish I was still there、





31、True love will understand, what is the exchange solemn vows and pledges never separated、


33、If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it If you don't ask, the answer is always no If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place 不去追逐你所渴求,你将永远不会拥有。不开口问,回答永远是No。不往前走,就将永远停留。

34、Eyes linger in the crowd, suddenly thoughts、


36、最唯美的笑容,却成为最悲伤的面具。The most beautiful smile has become the most sad mask.

37、Can't his uncle be more sad?.

38、If the world without you, there is no fun here、

39、When you want to cry, look up at the sky, where there is a smile、

40、Find a the misery of love. I know my past hope.怎么赶不走失恋的苦恼。我知道我无可救药。


42、When you care, wait till I close my heart.


43、I love you with half a lifetime, and forget the rest of you.、我用半生来爱你,再用剩下的来忘你。

44、All the pain and sadness are depressed in the heart, I want to collapse、


46、treat yourself as a Queen and youll attract a King. 把自己过得像王后,你才能吸引国王。

47、Listen to the sad song, watch the happy play.


49、Never give up, never regret when you give up.

50、I can't be without him, because I never used to have him、

51、心若没有良人,眼前全是路人。If there are no good people, there are all passers-by.

52、Maturity is not the heart of the old, is still around laughing tears、

53、This time the play is not the same scene, will not change the script so arbitrary、


55、Want to swim in the stacked memory, instant tears overflow、



58、青春年少爱上你,想要也不想辜负。Youth falls in love with you and wants to live up to it.


60、我们要的未来,曾为更改,而你却不在。The future we want is changed, but you are not there.

61、Lost is no longer reluctantly, no longer entangled.

62、If one day we are not together, also want to be like together、


This National Day, let us embrace the diversity of our country and celebrate the bonds tha~~可能此时也在寻找类似的句子,以下“英语佳句摘抄唯美短句收藏(50条)”由小编为大家收集整理,相信能对大家有所帮助。


1、National Day is a time for introspection and reflection on the challenges facing China.

2、Let us use this time to renew our commitment to building a stronger and more prosperous nation for future generations.

3、Happy National Day! Let us celebrate our country's triumphs and renew our commitment to its ideals.

4、National Day is a time for all Chinese people to come together and celebrate the prosperity of our nation.

5、Happy National Day! Let's take pride in our country's rich cultural heritage and work to preserve it for future generations.

6、The National Day Parade showcases the beauty, power, and innovation of the Chinese military.

7、National Day is a time to deepen our understanding and appreciation of Chinese history and culture, and also to imagine a brighter future for our nation.

8、On National Day, we express our gratitude to the people who have enriched our lives and contributed to our success and happiness.

9、Let us use National Day as an opportunity to promote understanding, tolerance, and harmony among all Chinese people.

10、Let us use this occasion to reflect on the progress we have made and the challenges we still face as a nation.

11、As we celebrate National Day, let us remember the importance of building strong and resilient communities.

12、Our country's greatness lies not just in the achievements of its leaders or institutions, but in the strength and resilience of its people.

13、Let us use this holiday as an opportunity to deepen our understanding and appreciation of our country's rich cultural heritage and traditions.

14、Our nation is a patchwork of different cultures and traditions, and we celebrate that diversity on National Day.

15、Let us use National Day as a time to appreciate the beauty and diversity of our country and its people.

16、Let us honor our country's history and traditions, and commit to building a brighter future on this special day.

17、The festive atmosphere during National Day celebrations reinforces our sense of community and shared identity, promoting social harmony and progress.


18、As we celebrate National Day, let us honor the memories of those who have fought for our freedoms and rights.

19、Happy National Day! Let's take a moment to honor the many brave men and women in uniform who defend our country and our freedom.

20、On this special day, let us celebrate the achievements and contributions of our fellow citizens towards our nation's progress and success.

21、Let us never forget the sacrifices and contributions of our veterans and military personnel who have ensured our nation's safety and security.

22、China's National Day is a time to celebrate our proud culture, history, and achievements.

23、China's peaceful development is celebrated during National Day, as we work towards a brighter and more sustainable world.

24、As we celebrate National Day, let us remember the importance of working together to build a better future for ourselves and for future generations, based on the core values of democracy, justice, and equality.

25、Whether we are celebrating with ancient rituals or modern ones, let's come together in appreciation of the many different ways that culture enriches our lives.

26、On National Day, we celebrate the beauty and resilience of the Chinese nation.

27、Let's use this special day to celebrate the many different ways that Chinese people express our creativity and our love for the performing arts.

28、As we mark National Day, let us remember the importance of humility, patience, and respect in building strong and lasting relationships with our fellow citizens and neighbors.

29、Let us take a moment on National Day to honor the brave men and women who have fought for our freedom.

30、The grandeur and majesty of China's history are celebrated during National Day.

31、The National Day is a time to remember the sacrifices and contributions of our nation's heroes and martyrs.

32、Let us come together on this National Day to reaffirm our commitment to building a more peaceful, prosperous, and harmonious world.

33、On this National Day, let us appreciate the beauty and diversity of our country's nature and wildlife.

34、National Day is a time to show gratitude to our leaders, who have worked hard to make our country prosperous and respected.


35、Let us use the National Day holiday to reflect on our individual roles in building a more sustainable and equitable future.

36、As we come together to celebrate National Day, let us remember that we are all united by the common bonds of citizenship, values, and aspirations.

37、National Day is a time to celebrate the achievements of our country and the hard work and dedication of its people.

38、Let us celebrate National Day with a renewed sense of patriotism and dedication to building a better future for all.

39、This National Day, let us renew our commitment to building a better future for our country and its people.

40、As we celebrate National Day, let us cherish the memories of our past and look forward to the opportunities of the future.

41、The vitality and energy of China's youth is celebrated during National Day.

42、National Day is a time for family gatherings and reunions.

43、The festive mood during National Day is a reflection of China's optimism and hope for the future.

44、Happy National Day! Let's take a moment to appreciate the many different ways that Chinese people express our love and affection for family and friends.

45、The grand festivities during National Day inspire a sense of pride and patriotism in all.

46、National Day is a reminder that we all play a role in promoting social harmony, cultural diversity, and economic growth.

47、National Day is the most important holiday in China.

48、Let us pause today to celebrate all that makes our country great, and to honor the many talents and achievements of our people.

49、As we celebrate our nation's birthday, let's remember the sacrifices of our forefathers and work towards fulfilling their vision for a better China.

50、This National Day, let us embrace the diversity of our country and celebrate the bonds that unite us.



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