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时间:2024-08-08 作者:大红薯




English Fourth Grade Online Teaching Plan


English is an important language that is used all over the world. It is the language of the internet, business, and travel, among other things. In the fourth grade, students are introduced to English as a subject and start to learn the basic skills they need to communicate in the language. With the rise of online education, it is becoming more important to develop effective and engaging online teaching plans for English learners.


The goals of this English fourth-grade online teaching plan are to help students build a strong foundation in the language, develop basic reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills, and cultivate an interest and passion for English. The plan is designed to equip students with the essential tools they need to communicate effectively in English and to prepare them for more advanced learning in the future.


1. Introduction to English:

The first module of the plan should introduce students to the English language. It should cover basic vocabulary, grammar, and syntax. Students should be able to learn how to read, write, and speak basic English sentences. The module should also teach students how to make simple conversations in English. The module should be delivered through interactive videos, quizzes, and games.

2. Reading:

The second module should focus on building reading skills. It should introduce students to short stories, simple paragraphs, and sentences. The module should use online books with audio files. Students should listen to the audio files and follow along with the text. Afterward, they should answer questions related to the reading material. The module should also include activities that will boost vocabulary and comprehension.

3. Writing:

The third module should focus on developing writing skills. Students should learn how to write simple sentences, paragraphs, and essays. They should also learn how to write basic emails and letters. The module should include interactive lessons, writing prompts and exercises, and peer review sessions. Students should be encouraged to participate actively in class discussions.

4. Speaking:

The fourth module should focus on developing speaking skills. The module should introduce students to basic conversation starters and common phrases. It should also teach them how to use English in everyday life and how to participate in group discussions. The module should use video conferencing tools like Zoom or Skype to simulate real-life conversations. Students should be encouraged to practice speaking English with their classmates.

5. Listening:

The fifth module should focus on developing listening skills. It should introduce students to different types of spoken English, including different accents and dialects. The module should use interactive audio files, podcasts, and videos. Students should learn how to listen for the main idea and specific details. They should also learn how to understand spoken English in different contexts, such as movies, news, and music.

6. Review:

The final module of the plan should be a review of all the previous modules. It should focus on strengthening the students' foundation in English and preparing them for more advanced learning. The module should include comprehensive tests and quizzes to assess the students' progress. The module should also include interactive exercises and games to make the review more engaging.


The English fourth-grade online teaching plan is an essential tool for English learners. It provides a comprehensive and engaging curriculum that helps students develop the basic skills they need to communicate effectively in English. The plan uses a variety of online tools and technologies to provide students with a dynamic and interactive learning environment. By the end of the plan, students should have a solid foundation in English and be ready to move on to more advanced learning.



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